Sermon notebook on jesus. 11-13, 16 The Appearance Of Jesus (Ill.


· Jesus accepted the simple, child-like faith of that dying thief. As He finishes His message, He is aware that they are in need of food for their bodies, so, He does that which only God Himself could do. 4-35. ” Or would you have to say, “In spite of all the evidence, I reject You Jesus. V. The Pain Of Redemption Was Finished. It is to be used like the words, damn, hell, and God. Jesus, first, healed him of his physical handicap. Jesus tells us in this verse that His life was being given up “for his friends”. Jesus The Savior Revealed. He Comes In The Face Of Darkness - The Bible says that Jesus came to them in "the fourth watch". When He began to heal and perform miracles Jun 19, 2016 · A sermon on Luke 22:66 – 23:25. Many simply do not love Jesus like they once did, and it shows. After that, Jesus ascended back to Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 2:24. That is why we still need the lessons today! (Ill. There are over 1,100 written sermons and sermon outlines on this site. The whole point is this: when Mary conceived the Lord Jesus in her womb, she was a virgin. 37-38 He Came With The Right Announcements – “began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice…” – Not only was the life of Jesus authenticated by the right works, it was also proven by the right words. Intro: God has been good to His people!He has given us more than we ever deserved. Jesus is going to raise Lazarus and Thomas knows that Jesus’ enemies are after Him and that Jesus might just die. " When John baptized Jesus, the heavens opened and Spirit descended in the form of a dove upon Jesus and a voice said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Intro: Paul was a faithful witness to the life-changing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Intro: This is the second spiritual encounter of Jacob's life. Santa fills your stockings with goodies. Matthew presents Jesus as The King of the Jews. Jesus did rise from the dead just as He said He would. ” The hope of the believer is wrapped up in the second coming of Jesus Christ. 3:20 – He can save you, or your contact, better than you think He can! D. 9:22; 1 John 1:7. Jesus supplies all your needs. If Jesus was willing to be a servant, then all of His followers ought to be willing to serve as well. This is our positional standing. This website is dedicated to sharing God's truth with the men of God who minister to others. He would steal away to rest, but He could not hide. ) A. ) (Ill. 6 Jesus is able to control success - The success of the Disciples in this instance was entirely in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus The Savior Received. C. Proverbs 6:6-11. It is the name that identifies Him with humanity. Intro: Notice the first phrase found in verse 1. Nicodemus, it seems, has at least a vague understanding of just who Each of the Gospel writers approaches Jesus from a different perspective and each presents Him in a different way. 15:1-23 THE GLORIOUS RESURRECTION OF JESUS. Hebrews 12:6-11) VI. In their conversation, Jesus demonstrated a great concern for and interest in their need. I believe You are my Savior. The Price Of His Accomplishment - Jesus didn’t just become a man for His earthly life down here. This was not a new desire, but it was the heartbeat of God even before the world was formed, Rev. DeHaan said, “The Bible is a book of blood … wholly distinct from all other books for just one reason, namely, that it contains blood circulating through every page and in every verse. Intro: The history of the world is little more than a collection of days, strung together to form years, the years to form decades and the decades to form centuries. It is the greatest thing God ever did for any of us! Jesus Zealously Defended The Truth Of God – He cleansed the Temple – John 2:15. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Never has the world heard a message like that one! It still reverberates through the halls of time and will through out eternity - He is Alive! 3. A. There truly is “Victory In Jesus”, 1 Cor. In Jesus Christ, the bondage of sin is forever broken; the flames of Hell are quenched; and the fierceness of divine wrath is assuaged. Sermon # 7 . ” They are stunned that He would receive such wicked and evil people. These same 2 blessings are the gift of God to all who receive Jesus as their Savior. I must say, that I feel like the Lord has spoken through His Word as we have tried to make Jesus the focal point of these sermons. They had the Law of God. With our cell phones, our pagers, our Internet, we are always connected with those around us. When we see Him, we will know that He is Jesus and that He is enough forever!) Conc: Before Jesus came into the world, the Prophet Isaiah said that His Name would be called, "Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace. Peace between people speaks of “ harmony, unity and concord. 13:8; 1 Pet. III. Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow! No other fount I know nothing but the blood of Jesus!") B. 6 Of The Present - The angel tells them, "You are here at this tomb, but Jesus isn't! He is risen!" Christ Jesus lives today; He walks with me and talks with me; along life's narrow way. Matthew 8:1-4. Intro: Ever since the early Christians met secretly in homes to remember the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church has been celebrating the Communion Service. 1:19-20. Jesus is as close as the mention of His name. Jesus Perfectly Modeled God Before Men – John 14:9 . WHO IS JESUS TO YOU? Intro: Jesus and His disciples are in the “coasts of Caesarea Philippi”. If you will come to Jesus today He will save your soul, . When Jesus comes we will be caught up, carried away and completely changed! I say with John, “ Even so, come Lord Jesus! ” If we truly believe that Jesus is coming, we should be engaged in a couple of activities. The Disciples on the sea, Jesus calmed the sea and they declared, "What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!", Mt. The Name Of His Humanity - Jesus - this name means "Jehovah Is Savior". 5:15. When Jesus went to the cross, He was dying for the sins of all humanity, 2 Cor. C. Sometime between 3 AM and 6 AM, during the darkest hours of the night, Jesus came walking on the water! (Ill. 39, literally means “ Be silent! Be muzzled and remain so! ”, and was used to speak to demonic forces. It preaches a continual sermon about His power, glory and majesty! Throughout the Bible, God uses the animal and insect kingdom to speak to man. It is explosive power! Jesus possesses the power to dynamically save the lost sinner. As we know from the Bible, Jesus died on the cross, but He also rose from the dead, Matt. Jesus Responded To Her Faith – He was amazed by the depth of her faith! Jesus had tested her faith with hard words and her faith had risen to the challenge! Her faith exceeded that of the people he had come to save! Here was a Gentile dog that had more faith than the Jewish scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and priests. 15:57!) Luke 2:21-36 THE LORD’S FAMILY GOES TO CHURCH. 5:22-23. Meetings and Travels. Santa comes once a year. After all, John was the "Beloved Disciple. The anointing of the eyes with the clay and the spittle would have caused irritation to the eyes. And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him. Jesus was a Spirit filled man!) (Ill. It was for those people that He called His friends. " Isa. Jesus tells them of the many things which will transpire in the last days, v. Look at what these first verse tell us about this visible event. Aug 5, 2007 · Acts 1:4 says that Jesus commanded the disciples to stay in Jerusalem. 7. The entire ministry of Jesus on earth had revolved around a single purpose. In Jesus Christ, there is life, liberty and the pursuit of godliness. And THEN, knowing their sins, knowing that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, they can ask Jesus to save them, and send His Spirit into their hearts — which is “asking Jesus into their heart. --Jesus blood was, is and will always be sufficient. This is what happens to the sinner who becomes a Christian! Jesus passes by and stops at your hearts door. v. Acts 28:1-6 SHAKING OFF THE SNAKES. 6:2; Isa. One of the primary reasons that Jesus is able to save so completely, perfectly, and utterly is because He is alive, in Heaven today. Jesus takes us like we are and He saves us by His grace, then He changes us by His power. While he was preaching, the Jewish leaders caught wind of what was happening that they show up and arrest Peter and John because they were preaching that Jesus rose again from the dead, 4:1-4. I want to preach on the subject: Oh, How I Loved Jesus! I want you to let the Lord speak to your heart today, and ask yourself a couple of questions. However, the second Adam, the Lord Jesus, brought life and salvation, John 11:25-26! When Jesus arose from the dead, He became the promise of more to follow. It was used when a deal had been reached between two parties and both were satisfied. Jesus stands at your door of your heart and knocks. 55:6. But now, Jesus is lifting a cup and saying it is filled with His own blood and it confirms what the Old Covenant failed to completely confirm – the total forgiveness of sins. 8:27. Oft times Jesus would grow weary and tired. He Addresses Jesus With A Realization - It appears that Nicodemus at least understood that Jesus had been sent from God to the world. His Promise – The soul winner needs to know that Jesus is not only able to save, but that He is willing as well! He doesn’t have to be coerced into loving Matthew 16:13-16. John 6:22-35 JESUS: THE BREAD OF LIFE. Moments With The Master Series. Surely, Jesus preached the central message of the Bible: salvation by faith through grace! C. During that time on the cross, God judged Jesus as if He were you or me. He is Jesus and none other! C. B. 20:28( This is how it always comes about. No one simply chooses to be saved; they are chosen! No one just comes to Jesus Christ of their own free will. In these verses, Jesus is revealed as The Friend Of The Fallen. Now, the second coming of Jesus is not one but two parts. He Is Uncommon By Any Account - No matter how you slice it, Jesus has done what none other could do. This work of the risen Lord is forever finished, Heb. Jesus just told this man to do something that he hasn't been able to do in 38 years, if ever. Matt. Intro: As this great chapter opens, we find Jesus preaching to a hungry multitude. When His Supper is received with faith and gladness, Jesus will be glorified, the saints will be edified, sinner will be evangelized and God the Father will be exalted! When we call to mind the price Jesus paid for us and the fact that He lives for our justification, it will bring us to the place of praise and worship. " He refers to Him as a teacher, and appears to hold Jesus in high regard. ” What Jesus Destroyed II. Jesus: The Friend Of Sinners - Matthew 11:16-19. This is a word that comes to us from the ancient slave trade. 1, 4 The Father's Glory - Jesus began His prayer by expressing a desire to glorify the Father. The Power Of His Touch - Matthew 8:1-4. Your life either says, “Jesus saved me and radically changed my life. The first was at a place called Bethel, Gen. Intro: Most of us are familiar with Ted Turner, the cable television millionaire. At any rate, the disciples and Jesus find themselves caught in the fury of a Get The Sermon Notebook on DVD or Flash Drive. When Jesus became a man, He eternally limited Himself to a human form! Matthew 27:27-54. Since that is true, then you and I are responsible for the condemnation of the King. (Ill. One day, Jesus stood with His disciples outside the city of the Samaritans. Three Cheers Of The New Testament - Matthew 9:1-2. Intro: We are living in a time when connectedness is the rule of the day. These are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. We should be looking for Him, 2 Tim. 14-21 Convinced By The Fulfillment Of God’s Word - Peter merely reminded them that God had said that this day would come. ) C. When they heard what Peter was preaching about Jesus Christ, they were convinced that it was true and they were touched deep within their hearts. As Jesus prayed that night, the emotional and spiritual pressures that came upon Jesus were almost more than His body could handle. Luke presents Jesus as The Son of Man . This is the question you face once more, What will you do with Jesus? (Jesus – Jehovah Is Salvation) A. 1c He Is The Controversial Word - When Jesus came preaching repentance, Mark 1:15, men thought He was strange. 2:3-4; 4:7-8. Sermons From Matthew Expository Sermons. 1. 17-18 WHAT JESUS DELIVERED. There Is An Order - Jesus tells the man to get up and walk. On Monday morning of the Lord’s Passion Week, as Jesus his disciples walked toward Jerusalem, Jesus cursed a fig tree, 11:12-14. 53:4-6; Heb. 16-20 Their Rejection Is Confusing - Israel had the prophets. 16 Jesus Gave An Exhortation - The lesson here is simple. Jesus rose again from the dead for you. Every life of every redeemed person is a living, walking sermon about he Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. Our text reveals this. 2:1-4. ” That is what Jesus accomplished between the Jew and the Gentile. There is no other way for the soul to be saved! According to the Bible, we are all dead in sin until Jesus saves us, Eph. Continuing his expositional series in the gospel of Luke, in this sermon R. When they passed by the next day, the fig tree was dried up. Yet, in spite of the seriousness of His mission, Jesus takes the time to stop for this woman! At this moment, the crowd So, what is this “will of the Father” that Jesus is talking about? In John 6:37-40 Jesus tells us in very clear terms just what the will of the Father is. Hebrews 9:1-15. These followers of Jesus, however, took Jesus seriously and returned to Jerusalem and waited fro Jesus to fill them. There are also some 140 audio sermons. 32:22-32 JUST A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS. It might have been easy to wash John's feet. The Context – Jesus has told His disciples that He is going away. Jesus had a living illustration in the person of Lazarus! Lazarus was living an impossible life! Yet it was a reality because of the power of God in Jesus. Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water. Our minds were shocked to consider the thought that 2 teenaged boys could ruthlessly shoot and kill 13, seriously injure 21 others and then take their own lives, but not before booby trapping their own bodies in a effort to kill even more innocent people. Jesus chose him out of all the others – The Bible says that a "great multitude" was there that day, v. Jesus will save you, after all, that’s why He was born, why He lived, and why He died on the cross. Seven Strange Preachers - Matthew 3:1-5 - Maze Jackson. 2:11-22! C. 16-21 JESUS THE SAVIOR REJECTED. At Bethel, Jacob saw a ladder, as Jabbok, he saw the Lo Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission! Matt. That's Him - Matthew 11:1-6. Ill. Satan is the “god of this world”, 2 Cor. Jesus could have stopped at any person’s bed in that place, but He chose to stop here! This was pure grace! (Ill. THAT is what they need to understand. In His death, He conquered all the enemies that were destroying those trapped in their sins! (Ill. Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Not to let Jesus out, but to allow the Lord’s followers in! 2. This is the name Jesus bore while He was here on earth. Intro: The last verse in chapter 14 tells us that Jesus and the Disciples are about to leave the upper room. If Jesus were to look you in the eye today and say “Who do you say that I am”; what would your answer be? Could you say, “Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. 27:45-54 MAY WE NEVER FORGET Intro : It is proper and fitting that the church pause to remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our liberty as citizens and to guarantee us Ill. 11-13, 16 The Appearance Of Jesus (Ill. Jesus used two illustrations to teach the need for compassion - The parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:30-37. HOW TO GET YOUR LIFE OUT OF THE PIT. Sermon #1. 1:3. FIVE QUALITIES OF A GOOD SOLDIER. Rejoice, rejoice Oh Christian; Lift up your voice and sing; eternal hallelujah's; To Jesus Christ the King. All of them are important to our existence in and understanding of the world around us. However, when Jesus returns the second time in glory and power, everyone, everywhere will know about it, Rev. I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know for sure that tomorrow might bring Jesus. I. This should also be true of us! (Ill. 9:6-14. Jesus died to take our place, pay for our sins and set us free, 2 Cor. Has Jesus made you free? Shouldn’t you praise Him and thank Him for that? I. it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Eph. He Lives! He Lives! Salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives; He Lives within my heart. Jesus was there in Heaven when the plan to redeem the world was formulated - Rev. 9:6. Thomas challenged the rest to go along with Jesus. PRAYER IS ABOUT RELYING . 1:25. Jesus: The Suffering Servant – Sermon #2. John 14:1-31 JESUS: THE GREAT ENCOURAGER. I want to point out some simple facts that present themselves in this text. Jesus did so many things that John declares the world to be too small to hold all the books that could be written about His deeds – John 21:25. Intro: Humans, at least when things are working as they should, possess 5 senses. 13:8; Eph. Jesus died to satisfy the just demands of God for our sins. Matt 26:50. In the latter scene, Jesus exerted His authority as the Son of God to cleanse the filth from His Father's house! B. Jesus says to His Disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled"On the surface, that may not appear to be such a great blessing, but when you consider that at this moment, Jesus is on the eve of His death and is standing in the very shadow of Calvary, yet He takes the time to encourage His Disciples. 1:7. The Pastor is Kenneth Shelton. The men who put him death a few weeks earlier were still in power. Intro: This passage records the first appearance of the Lord Jesus in the Word of God since He was seen in the Temple at the age of twelve. It could be said that this is the name of His humiliation. It was just a body. Jesus uses this experience to teach His disciples a lesson about The Power Of Biblical Faith. 17:20. Because they know Jesus, they know the Prince of Life and they are alive forever more, John 11:25-26. However, just these few are enough to reveal the true identity of the One referred to by the prophet. Jesus is called the “firstborn” here because He is preeminent over His creation and He is the One Who possess the right on inheritance over it. The Plan Of Redemption Was Finished. It may bring blessing, joy and happiness. 3. THE POWER OF PERSISTENT PRAYER. They are headed to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus will pray His great High Priestly prayer and will later be arrested by the mob led by Judas. What will you do with Jesus? Jesus is standing at your hearts' door, Standing and knocking, He's knocked before. THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS. 28:10-22. The will of the Father is for sinners to believe on the Son. We celebrate Christmas, which is a time when we remember the birth of God’s Son into the world. Don’t give up, come to Jesus! He is ready, willing and able to give you all that you need to get you through whatever you are faced with this evening. Do you know Him? Ill. He is concerned about the grief and pain that they are experiencing. By the power of God, Jesus conquered death and rose again from the dead! According to Paul, the first Adam brought death, Romans 5:21. God's amazing creation. Intro: As Jesus and His Disciples made their way from the Upper Room to Gethsemane, Jesus taught them many valuable truths. The hope of all who seek Him; The help of all who find; The Name Of His Humanity - Jesus - this name means "Jehovah Is Savior". A day first observed on May 30, 1868 to honor those who died in the Civil War. 4:8! 2. 1:23. Revelation 14:1-5. Intro: This notice appeared in the window of a coat store in Nottingham, England: We have been established for over 100 years and have been pleasing and displeasing customers ever since. You have to wait in line to see Santa. She remained a virgin until after the Lord Jesus was born, Matt. Somehow, in the economy of God, Jesus literally became our sins on the cross, 2 Cor. This remarkable miracle served as a life sized illustration for a sermon that Jesus was about to preach, a portion of which we have just read. He Was Exposed To The Light - When Jesus passed by, this man's life was forever changed. In verses 1-11, He is shown at a wedding and in verses 12-25, Jesus is shown at the House of Worship. 4:7-11; Rev. As I mentioned in the introduction, this phrase that Jesus uttered was a business term. These verses teach us how to implement the pattern of prayer offered to us by the Lord Jesus. STAYING SEPARATE IN A CONNECTED WORLD. Matthew 27:27-54. Lord, Teach Us To Pray Series. Intro: If you have been studying along with us as we have moved through this amazing book, you know that the last two chapters have been dark, depressing and discouraging. If you’ve never been saved, you need to heed the warnings and come to Jesus today, 2 Cor. When Jesus went to the cross, He literally became sin for you and me, 2 Cor. This little girl is at the point of death! As Jesus makes His way to this man’s house, He is surrounded by the surging crowd. In any friendship, it is inevitable that there will be times when feelings will be hurt. Jesus Came To Him - (Ill. It is based around a game of charades where people will act out 5 Bible verses which will act as a short 5 point sermon. 4:4. We are either pointing people to Jesus are we are pointing them away from Him. He is able!) Ill. John 15:1-11 JESUS: THE TRUE VINE. The Holy Spirit drew me to Jesus and saved me when I was a sinner, John 6:44; 65. This was a predominately Gentile area located some 25 miles north of Bethsaida where Jesus had just healed a blind man, Mark 8:22-26. Simply stated, Jesus is superior in His identity because He is God! John 16:7-15; 14:16-18 . Intro: This week our nation was stunned by the school massacre in Littleton Colorado. Jesus comes to the dead sinner and offers life through Himself, John 6:44; 65. Topical Sermons. I will be preaching at New Prospect Baptist Church in Horton, AL, July 23-27, 2018. He is willing to go with Jesus and die with him if necessary. Jesus had already invaded the devils' territory when He was born in this world. We have called on the Father seeking the supplies we have need of day by day. Intro: Ill. 1 John 4:7-12 WHAT ARE THE FACTS ABOUT GOD'S LOVE. Just as Jesus was the manifestation of God to the world. His very life could be summed up by 2 verses, Gal. While Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, the body He lived in was a frail human body just like ours. There is something special about going to the House of God as a family! Not everyone has that privilege, and not every family that could does. Turner, at the American Humanist Association banquet, where he received an award for his work on the environment and world peace, openly criticized fundamental Christianity. In Earth - For most, the name of Jesus is nothing more than a by word. They had heard the report of the coming Messiah and they had even had the Messiah in their midst. Be sure that you do not! Today is your decision day, 2 Cor. Sproul contrasts the treachery of the accusers with the sinless Son of God. You may be walking in darkness this evening and wondering where Jesus is. We should be living like He might come at any time, 1 John 3:3! 3. Jesus was the perfect revelation of God to man - John 14:9; John 10:30. Intro: There is nothing like the love of God! It is the most overwhelming thing I have ever encountered in my life. Maybe Satan, or foolish people have encouraged you to give up. Let’s look at what convinced these men that day!) A. Nothing but the blood of Jesus!, etc. Jesus told this man that he did not have to wait for a future time to be 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. The Five Most Horrible Things In The Bible - Matthew 7:13-23. R. 5:1-8; Phil. Since before time began Jesus was with the Father in Heaven. I believe You are the Savior of the world. ) Ill. Even the enemies of Jesus, the Scribes and Pharisees, wondered about Who He was. A Redemption Payment - Verses18 and 19 tell us that the blood of Jesus brings the believer into a state of redemption. Your flesh was crucified with Jesus Christ - Rom. Chapter 2 gives us 2 snapshots from the life of Jesus. Intro: In a Christian question and answer column, the following letter appeared: Dear Eutychus: "Our preacher said, on Easter, that Jesus just swooned on the cross and that the disciples nursed Him back to health. I imagine that was the last place many of them wanted to be. 6 Jesus is able to control circumstances - He changed in an instant what they had been unable to change in an entire night! Don't give up! Learn to trust the power of our Savior - Matt. This reminds us of the importance of the death of Jesus on the cross. If you will trust Jesus with your problem, by faith, He will never fail you! Is there something you need to bring to Jesus right now? B. " (4) In His Earthly Ministry He Could Not Be Hid. Notice how Jesus came to them that night. Nevertheless, He was condemned to die. 14, 15, 17. You are the reason He did what He did: He Did It All For You! With that in mind, let’s look into our text today and consider what He did when He Did It All For You. Then, Jesus ascends up into glory. The enemies of Jesus were criticizing Him because He received sinners. After speaking with Martha, Jesus apparently calls for Mary. Preaching was central to the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Intro: We are living in a day when the message of the church is changing. In spite of what the John 14:1-31 JESUS: THE GREAT ENCOURAGER. The religious men had condemned and considered her as good as dead, Jesus however, saw someone worthy of His love and worth salvaging. He is the only one who can, Acts 4:12; John 6:14. In this passage, we are presented with a new portrait of the Lord Jesus Christ. Churches, and even whole denominations, are moving away from the old message of salvation through the blood of Jesus, and are moving toward a message of salvation through social activism and good works. In this final chapter of the great book, we find a portrait of Jesus that is thrilling for the saints of God to behold. Get The Sermon Notebook on DVD. 4-7; Matt. Intro: This weekend, we celebrate Memorial Day. Mark presents Jesus as The Suffering Servant. He poured out His wrath upon the body of His Son. The flesh was reckoned dead when Jesus died on the cross. Intro: We are in a time of year set aside to commemorate the first advent of the Lord Jesus Christ into this world. They 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1. THE BAPTISM OF THE SERVANT. 1:4; Titus 1:2; 1 Pet. Intro: The Disciples asked the Lord when they could expect the end of the world to come, v. THE POWER OF HIS TOUCH. Now, the Samaritan were a people despised by the Jews of Jesus’s day. He Addressed Jesus With Respect - Nicodemus calls Jesus "Rabbi. When the name of Jesus is heard in the heavenly realm, it is the catalyst for rejoicing and praise. Isaiah 53:4-6 makes this abundantly clear. Jesus gives us several arenas where God has promised to respond in answer to prayer. To me, this is a pretty incredible command! Jesus was there in Heaven when the plan to redeem the world was formulated - Rev. Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission! Matt. THANK GOD FOR THE BLOOD OF JESUS. 10:12. When a man saw Jesus, he was seeing the Father. Notice this: Jesus was on His way to heal the young daughter of a man named Jairus, v. The Price Of His Conquest - Jesus didn’t just become a man for the time He lived down here. AFTER THE STORMS HAVE PASSED. When Jesus died on that cross, He opened the way to God for all who want to be saved, Eph. Let me remind you of the sacrifices the Lord Jesus Christ made when He Did It All For You. The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is a reality. 28 The Lord's Interest In the Need Of His People - When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Martha ran out to meet Him. Heb. We are either saying “He is my Lord and Savior and you need to know Him too”; or we are saying “My relationship with Jesus really doesn’t make a difference in my life. Every moment we live we are preaching through our actions and through our words. I praise God that when I came face to face with Jesus, I didn’t miss Him. 19:1-3. 27:45-54 MAY WE NEVER FORGET Intro : It is proper and fitting that the church pause to remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our liberty as citizens and to guarantee us Peter used their amazement over the miracle as an opportunity to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, 3:12-26. It is the equivalent of the Old Testament name Joshua. 2. In dying for our B. 6:6-7. 1 Cor. Though Jesus stood trial before high priests and governors, no true fault could be found in Him. In other words, His death was not for Himself, but it was for others. When she came to Jesus, she received 2 great blessings that forever changed her life. ” Matthew 16:13-16. 3:5 JESUS IS ALL WE NEED. Jesus died on the cross for you. The great praise that must have filled Heaven when Jesus placed His Blood upon the mercy seat!) C. 7:9-11; rev. John presents Jesus as The Eternal Son of God. A TIME WE CALL COMMUNION. When Jesus went to the cross, He was doing so on the behalf of others. He sent an angelic messenger with the good news that Jesus was alive from the dead - v. 17 He Delivered A Message Of Peace - The word “ peace ” appears in this passage three times, vv. So, this storm may have been an attempt by Satan to destroy the Lord Jesus. That purpose was to reveal God to men - John 14:9; Col. His death provided the sacrifice that was needed to cleanse sinners from their sins and to make them right with God, Isa. The death of Jesus was not the tragedy it appeared to be on the surface. Santa comes down your chimney. 22-24. This is possible for us only when we yield totally to the Holy Spirit! Ill. Luke 18:1-8. 1:15; Heb. 3:1-3; 1 Thes. ") I. Intro: Medical doctor and theologian, M. The Samaritans came about through the intermarriage of Jews with the colonists sent to live in Israel by the Babylonians. Get The Sermon Notebook on DVD or Flash Drive. Matthew 6:13. Mark 13:24-27. Even after He died and rose again, He still bears the form of humanity. Intro: We are in a section of The Model Prayer where we are praying about our daily needs. I believe the Word of God is very clear about the matter of salvation. All the sermons and outlines on this site are free for you to use as the Lord leads you. Jesus went to a city of the Samaritans and spoke to a sinful woman. When Jesus came into this world, He was declaring war on the devil and bringing the battle to him. THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE KING. When Jesus comes to the sinner in convicting power, He causes irritation of the heart and the soul. WHO IS JESUS? Intro: Ill. We are told that Jesus came into this world not to condemn the lost, but to save them, John 3:16-18. 1 Peter 5:5-10. Jesus died to pay the penalty sinners could never pay. Why did He go? He went there because all men are sinners and stand in need of a Savior. Jesus satisfied the stone cold, harsh requirements of the Law given by Moses with His very own blood. 5:21. Series Introduction: A one reads the Gospels, it quickly becomes apparent that the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ was a people centered ministry. Jesus was sent into the wilderness to do battle with the devil on his own territory. It does not have to end that way for you! When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He bore our sins in His body, 1 Pet. The name Jesus was a very common name in those days. John 14:5 – Ill. In this passage, Jesus is presented as The Bread Of Life. 1:18-20. Of course, the phrase Jesus used to calm the storm, “ Peace, be still ”, v. And, the same should be true for the church! A. This is the outline for my all-age Christmas Day talk 2011. Mark 1:9-11. So, there you have it, the Bible is clear, the Redeemer would come into this world through the womb of a virgin. Conc: In Jesus Christ slaves are made free men. A SERMON ON SIX LEGS . 26:50 A REAL FRIEND FORGIVES. 1:8. However do not think for a minute that Jesus is not busy this morning. Sermons From Genesis Just A Little Talk With Jesus - Genesis 32:22-32 Getting Back To Bethel - Genesis 35:1-7 That is why Jesus had to teach His men about compassion. To me, this is a pretty incredible command! 2 Tim. Jesus died for us when He went to the cross, John 15:14-16. Notice that Jesus just didn't serve the ones He preferred. Think of it! He provided a means of salvation that will save the vilest sinner. Jesus authenticated His claim to be the Messiah by the miracles He performed. A new life can be yours if you will Jul 27, 2015 · What did Jesus do to save you from your sins? He died on the cross to pay for our sins. In Heaven the name of Jesus is a constant source of praise, Rev. Sermons From Genesis Just A Little Talk With Jesus - Genesis 32:22-32 Getting Back To Bethel - Genesis 35:1-7 Apr 7, 2014 · 2. 2 Cor. If they killed Jesus, why wouldn’t they kill his followers? 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. These precious verses tell us something of what Jesus will look like when He returns to the earth the second time. Jesus was the perfect expression of God. In the eyes of God, our flesh, all its works and everything it stands for was crucified with Jesus at Calvary. WHAT MATTERS MOST. There are many other references to the life and death of Jesus in these 12 truth packed verses. 5:21; 1 Pet. Sermon Discussion What is How should Matthew 1:21 shape the way you read the rest of this Gospel? What details of Jesus"#earthly ministry demonstrate His full humanity? List several characteristics of Jesus"#ministry that display His divinity. God considers the wicked, sinful natures that we possess crucified with Christ. ) B. The church is located at: 1393 County Highway 38 Horton, AL. II. What is meaningful to you about the humanity of Jesus? Back To The Future – Sermon #34 . All of this is pretty amazing stuff! However, a few days after Jesus ascended, His disciples find themselves still in this world, scared, hunted and with a big job that needed to be done. Jesus is a friend who will correct you when you are wrong! (Ill. The difference between the saved man and the lost man lies in one word: Jesus, 1 John 5:12. The parable of the Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-24. 1 Corinthians 1:17-18. When the storms of life are raging, always remember that Jesus is there for you. They are astounded that someone like Jesus Christ would spend His time with “ publicans and sinners. After all, this was the city where Jesus had been crucified. When a lost person receives Jesus as his or her Savior, they are instantly and eternally saved. The death of Jesus was our moment of ultimate triumph. 28:2-7; Mark 16:5-7. He was always on the side of right! 6. JESUS: THE GREAT GIFT GIVER. 6:2. Speaks Of His Desire – The name Jesus reveals a God with a desire to save sinners. It seems that that is what Jesus was doing that morning in His absence from the tomb, Ill. When Jesus became a man, He eternally limited Himself to a human form! Jesus is shown in all the majesty of His place in the Godhead. Death may claim these bodies, but the spirits of the redeemed will live on with Jesus in Heaven, 2 Cor. 30 THE PAYMENT OF REDEMPTION WAS FINISHED. When He began to heal and perform miracles Gen. What Jesus Did . ” Or, your life says, “Yeah, I’m a believer, but Jesus hasn’t changed my life at all. Then, in verses 36-51, Jesus makes a plea for men to be ready to meet Him when He does come. News Items. 28:1-6. Why Jesus Is Worthy Of Your Faith - Hebrews 4:13-16 Our Great High Priest - Hebrews 4:14-16 The Lord Jesus is first in rank, standing over all created beings, because He is their Creator. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. If Jesus is calling you to come to Him, then do not tarry, but obey and come to the Lord for salvation. He begins to live through us and that makes all the difference in the world!) (Ill. It Is A Symbolic Service. His body knew weariness, it felt pain, it got hungry, sleepy and tired. Jesus is an ever present help. Verses 1-2 of this chapter tell us what motivated Jesus to give the parables that make up these verses. dprxr lglya bbrb mqffmx yisb bmu dyrbj asnkm lmop iudnzbau